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Frozen Memories_Flowers for Grab 얼음 속의 기억 _무덤꽃 2020
'얼음 속의 기억_무덤꽃'은 냉동장치 표면의 결로를 걷어내고 안을 들여다보면 조화, 해골, 상패, 신발, 묵주 등이 얼음 속에서 그 기억과 의미, 상징들과 함께 얼어있다.
When removing the condensation on the surface of the freezing showcase and looking inside, there are frozen things such as artificial flower, skeleton, plaque, shoe, and a rosary with their memories, meanings, and symbols in the ice.
- Refrigerator, showcase, Ice, and mixed media / 60×60×190cm - The17th Leedonghoon Art Award Special Prize, Daejeon Museum of Art, 30. Jun. 2020-13. Sep. 2020 | |
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