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Telematic Tango Telematic Love  텔레마틱 탱고  2013

원격의 두 공간을 네트워크로 연결하여 실시간으로 두 공간의 퍼포머가  탱고를 추며, 그리움과 단절 그리고 만남을 묘사하며, 실재와 가상이 여러 겹으로 중첩되는 네트워크 퍼포먼스 영상작품이다.

A short film using “Networked Performance”, which is a form of performance arts where real-time interactions between remote performers are achieved by linking multiple sites into a network.

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Telematic Tango, Telematic Love 2013

Networked Performance Film Written & Directed by Park Jungsun Performed by Yim Nansoo, Wi Hyeongseok

Telematic Tango, Telematic Love
Telematic Tango, Telematic Love
Telematic Tango, Telematic Love
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